

Annual General Meeting of the Old Glasgow Club held in the Council Chamber of the City Chambers on Thursday12th May 2011 at 7.00pm






President Gordon welcomed all members to the meeting and conducted a fire safety announcement.



There were apologies from Jane Collie, Eileen and George Campbell, Bob Dunlop, Maida Gibson, Sallie Marshall, Margaret McCormick, Gaynor MacKinnon, Robert Poole, Mary Reid, Alastair Ross, Tom Woodhouse.



The minutes of the 2010 AGM were circulated and approved on the motion of Margaret Thom, seconded by George Kerr.



Mr Graeme Smith presented the draft constitution which would be required by OSCR as a condition of becoming a registered charity.  This showed a minor change from our existing constitution and was proposed by Jim Gibson, seconded by Marion Meneely and unanimously approved.


Club subscriptions

Notice had been given that the level of ordinary subscriptions should increase from £12 to £15. This was proposed by Sam Gordon, seconded by John McKnight and unanimously approved.


President’s Report

President Gordon reported that he had thoroughly enjoyed his time as President for the last two years and thanked the membership for having elected him as President.


Secretary’s Report

Mrs McNae report is attached to this minute.


Treasurer’s Report

Mrs Thom presented the Club accounts for the year ended 31 March 2011 to the meeting. The bank balances at the year end were £9,793 in the savings account and £78 in the current account.. £1,125 had been spent on renewing the stock of merchandise. The chain of office was valued at £4,500 (£9,000 for insurance purposes). The accounts were found to be in good order and had been examined by Kristina Bowie and Gillian McGugan.


The adoption of the report was proposed by Jim Gibson and seconded by Graham Smith.


Librarian’s Report

Mrs Forrest stated that the task of finding a venue for the Club’s books was an ongoing project.  300 books had recently been received from a donor and a further 30 had been bought or donated. Mr Murray Blair asked if was intended to set up a second collection, different from that in Trades House; Mrs Forrest replied that this was not the case. Mr Gordon wondered whether any of the volumes were duplicated and if so could the surplus items be offered for sale. Mr Blair wondered what had happened to the 58 Transactions which had been given for sale to members; if they were being used for the second collection he would have liked notice.  The books were gifted to the Trades House and housed at its expense.  A letter to this effect should be sent to the Deacon Convener.




Election of Office Bearers

President Mr Sam Gordon was delighted to propose Miss Alison Sannachan as President; this was seconded by Graham Smith, and Mr Gordon invested Alison with her chain of office. Alison thanked Mr Gordon for this work in the last 2 years, during which the Club’s membership had risen.  She was proud to take up the position of President and hoped for a smooth period of office.  Miss Sannachan then proceeded to conduct the election of the other office bearers:


Vice President              Petrina Cairns             Proposed: Alison Sannachan

                                                                        Seconded: Jim Gibson

Hon. Secretary              Joyce McNae              Proposed: Alison Sannachan

                                                                        Seconded: Suzanne Halliday

Hon. Treasurer             Margaret Thom          Proposed: Sam Gordon

                                                                        Seconded: Petrina Cairns

Recording Secretary      Isabel Haddow                        Proposed: Margaret Thom

                                                                        Seconded: Joyce McNae

(Librarian                      Anna Forrest              Proposed: Joyce McNae

                                                                        Seconded: Margaret Thom

Membership Secretary   Sam Gordon                Proposed: Joyce McNae

                                                                        Seconded: Margaret Thom)




Continuing                     Sallie Marshall                        Proposed: Anna Forrest

                                                                        Seconded: Isabel Haddow         

                                    Graeme Smith             Proposed: Sharon Macys

                                                                        Seconded: Petrina Cairns


New directors were elected as follows:


Nomination                   Shona Crozer              Proposed: Margaret Thom

                                                                        Seconded: Joyce McNae

                                    Gaynor MacKinnon    Proposed: Joyce McNae

                                                                        Seconded: Margaret Thom

                                    Brian Henderson        Proposed: Sam Gordon

                                                                        Seconded: Murray Blair

                                    John Robertson          Proposed: Rosemary Sannachan

                                                                        Seconded: Joyce McNae



Examiners                     Jim Gibson                  Proposed: Margaret Thom

                                                                        Seconded: Graeme Smith

                                    Gillian McGugan         Proposed: Isabel Haddow

                                                                        Seconded: Sam Gordon


Graham Smith asked whether the Lord Provost had been appointed as Club Honorary President and whether he was a figurehead.  Miss Sannachan replied to both questions in the affirmative and stated that when the Lord Provost changed, the new Lord Provost would be approached to serve as Honorary President.


Silver Salver

This had been valued at £400 and the directors had recommended that it be sold. In discussion it was noted that due consideration should be given as to the history of the salver.  A proposal that the directors consider further the options available and bring a recommendation to the 2012 AGM, was proposed by Sam Gordon,  seconded by Brian Henderson and  agreed.


Summer / social events

Mrs McNae reminded members of the various forthcoming events:

Tappit Hen Bowling Tournament on 26 May at Queen’s Park 

Outing on 11 June to Paxton House followed by tea at North Berwick

JAS Wilson Memorial Walk on 30 June around Pollokshields

Visit to BBC Studios on 4 June (4 places) and 25 June (8 places)

Talk at SGHET by Colin Mackie on 31 May at Queen’s Park Church


Mrs McNae suggested that the Club give a donation to Fairfields, as the staff there had been most helpful when the Club had visited on 16 April.  The sum of £50 was agreed, proposed by Jim Gibson and seconded by Stuart Little.


The Club would have a stand at the South Side Festival on 28 May in Queen’s Park, and Mrs McNae was looking for volunteers to help man the stall, as it was a good source of new members.



Mr Henderson gave a short talk on the “Ghosts of Gloucester Street” (in the Kingston district) in which he talked about the various residents and shopkeepers of that street in 1911 and wondered what they would have made of life in 2011 beside the on ramp to the M8 Eastbound motorway.  The area which was so familiar to them had changed so radically. Paisley Road Toll and the Kingston Hall were all that now remained, but Old Kingston and the part it had played in our fascinating history would always be with us.


Sam Gordon wondered whether we could make arrangements to have use of the microphones in the Council chamber at future AGMs.


Graham Smith asked that the Club write a letter to the Council about the Post Office in Govan.


Liz Smith noted that the minutes of the Club meetings in March and April 2010 did not appear on the website. Joyce McNae confirmed that this was an omission which would be rectified.



President Alison Sannachan wished members a pleasant summer and, expressing the hope  that she would see them at the various events and at the first club meeting of the new session on 8 September, wished all a safe journey home.


JN Gibson

Recording Secretary.